The Nickelodion in Portland at 130 Sixth Street, Oregon opened on Saturday, August 4, 1906. The theater was owned and operated by Henry O. Jones until around February 3, 1907, when it was reported in the Sunday Oregonian that the theater had been bought by a Tacoma Company.
From the vague description of the company and the new tech that would make its debut at the theater leads me to infer that the Tacoma Company was based in Tacoma, Washington, which would have been an interesting dynamic on having a theater, let alone a store, in Portland not be locally owned. The Tacoma Company put Joseph St. Peter in charge of the theater until it closed in around October 6, 1908. From this one report, The Nickelodion claimed to be the first theater in Portland to have flickerless projection.
The theater tended to boast of its family friendly entertainment and the variety of shows that were played their after it was taken over by the Tacoma Company. For occasional and popular films, the price of admission would go up from 5 cents to 10 cents. Most of the findings of the theater came from daily or mostly daily ads for the theater and stopped appearing after October 6, 1908, when it could be assumed to have closed around then.