Known Years of Operation

Dec 29, 1920 - Dec 30, 1950

Number of Seats



George A. Hunt & Co
Grants Pass Daily Courier, December 28, 1920: 4. Historic Oregon Newspaper Database.
Description in the Grants Pass Daily courier about the opening strategy for the Rivoli Theater.
Grants Pass Daily Courier, December 28, 1920: 4. Historic Oregon Newspaper Database

At the end of 1920, the Rivoli Theater opened in Grants Pass, Oregon, on December 29th. The theatre was built to show films. It was funded by various patrons of Southern Oregon and managed by George A. Hunt. Hunt would start his business as an exhibitionist in Medford and bought properties in Grants Pass, Ashland, and Roseburg. The original construction seated 690 Attendees in the single-screen theater. The theater also featured an organ and frequent musical accompaniment. The theater was located in the middle of downtown Grants Pass. Its premium location allowed the theater to thrive and George Hunt would be able to expand his small exhibition enterprise in Southern Oregon, allowing rural towns access to some of the most demanded films of this time. With this theater being in the rogue valley, it was successful with travelers coming off of the I-5 corridor, a perfect stopping point between the bay area california and Portland.




Advertisement of special guest Burr Nickle in attendance at Rivoli
Grants Pass Daily Courier, May 31, 1924: 6. Historic Oregon Newspaper Database
Advertisement of show, featuring mention of adjusted price and new Organ.
Grants Pass Daily Courier, July 23, 1924: 6 Historic Oregon Newspaper Database.

 The Rivoli also featured guest exhibitionists and live in person screenings with production or cast crew. Additionally, there were screenings of the 1924 Olympic Games featured at the theater, among other top news at the time. Eventually After the merge, admission prices were able to be lowered from 50 cents, to 35 cents, allowing exhibitionists to still profit, by making the price of admission more convenient to the viewer while still upholding quality with the venue, and receiving premium titles from the production studios.

"Grants Pass Sept. 1930", Sanborn Fire Map, 1930: 25. Proquest Digital Sanborn Maps.
Article about merger between theaters
Grants Pass Daily Courier, January 29, 1924: 1. Historic Oregon Newspaper Database.
Article featuring information about the new organ and the show accompanying it.
Grants Pass Daily Courier, May 31, 1924: 6. Historic Oregon Newspaper Database.

By 1924, There was a merger Between the Rialto, Rivoli, and the Vining Theaters. George A. Hunt and Co. managed both the Rivoli and the Rialto theaters, and Mr. Hurst would manage the Vining theater. With the Merge of these three theaters, some minor restorations took place. The Rivoli got a new ⅔ Robert Morton Organ and opened with that organ on June 1, 1924, with a three-day run of the film "The Humming Bird." The Theater would remain in business until the 1950s and was eventually demolished. Now, there is a Mural where the theater was once located.

Artwork of the Rivoli Theater
Highsmith, Carol M., Photograph, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.

Works Cited

  • “The Film Daily Year Book of Motion Pictures of 1937”. New York: The Film Daily, 1937: 975. Media History Digital Library.


    “The thirty-third edition of the Film Daily Year Book of Motion Pictures: nineteen fifty-one.” New York: The Film Daily,  1951: 1062. Media History Digital Library.


    Rivoli, Advertisement, Grants Pass Daily Courier, December 28, 1920: 4. Historic Oregon Newspaper Database.


    Grants Pass Daily Courier, December 28, 1920: 4. Historic Oregon Newspaper Database.


    Rivoli, Advertisement, Grants Pass Daily Courier, May 31, 1924: 6. Historic Oregon Newspaper Database.


    Rivoli, Advertisement, Grants Pass Daily Courier, May 31, 1924: 6. Historic Oregon Newspaper Database.


    Grants Pass Sept. 1930, Sanborn Fire Map, 1930: 25. Proquest Digital Sanborn Maps.


    Rivoli, Advertisement, Grants Pass Daily Courier, July 23, 1924: 6


    "Three Theaters are Merged" Grants Pass Daily Courier, January 29, 1924: 1. Historic Oregon Newspaper Database.


    Highsmith, Carol M., Photograph. May 5, 2018. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division