The Vitagraph started its marketing campaign by placing small mentions in the local Roseburg Review in late September and early October 1907.
These persistent micro-ads were sandwiched in between the other local news of out-of-town visitors, baked bean suppers, and other surprisingly personal small-town news. This was likely a money-saving strategy to put the theater name out into the community before shelling out for a much larger ad for the first big show, which announced "The Best Show on Earth" consisting of illustrated songs and a handful of short films and musical accompaniment by the Grapho-ampliphone.
Like many movie theaters at this time, the Vitagraph went through a number of owners during its short life. Even so, the theater provided a mix of vaudeville, illustrated songs, live music, and moving pictures. In July 1908 under the management of G.L. Tillard, the program changed Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Three evening performances began at 7:30 every day, with daily matinees at 2:30. Admission was 10 cents for adults, 5 cents for children.
Like many other theatres during this time, a promotional event featured a diamond ring giveaway during an evening showing occurring on March 9, 1908. The ring would be won by the most popular woman in attendance, with “popularity” being declared by the crowd’s applause.
The Vitagraph's last ad appeared in the local newspaper on Aug. 19, 1908, with a slightly desperate tone, and soon after a news item appeared announcing the opening of the Alcazar in the same space.