Known Years of Operation

Jan 1, 1918 - Present

Number of Seats



Mrs. H. Goodfellow

After being delayed six weeks due to a flu epidemic6, the opening of O. K. Theater led to a long history of motion picture and performance showings. The theater advertised structural integrity, a well-lit and ventilated room, upholstered seats, and, most impressively, steam-powered heating for the audience4. It started by displaying films at 7:15 P.M. and 9 P.M. every night4 except Sundays--this was overturned, however, as a petition against the Sunday break was presented to the Enterprise city council, eventually leading to films being shown on Sunday afternoons5.

The O.K. held women-only meetings, amassing about 200 women one night in October 1921. These meetings included women from the Joseph, Lostine, Wallowa, Country, and Enterprise clubs. During the meetings, the theater would show more personalized reproductions of selected films according to the tastes of the theater’s art committee2.

The theater was renamed the Vista Theater around 19337, but some time later, it was bought by another owner and reverted back to the O.K. Theater. Now, live shows from local talent are held at the theater8, as well as local film festivals such as the 48-hour Ruby Peak Film Festival3. The theater has since been restored and preserved for longevity as it has become a staple of the town of Enterprise.